Sunday, January 30, 2011

Shift in Focus & 2011 Resolutions

The idea of using this purely as a photo blog fizzled out last year, so I'm going to shift the focus and turn this into a more open blog.  I've wanted a fresh start from my old all-purpose personal blog, and I've decided to use this blog for that.

With that in mind, I'm going to re-post the resolutions I'm making for myself in 2011:
  1. Create and follow a budget.
  2. Continue exercising regularly - Increase the frequency of bodyweight exercises and yoga, and add aerobic exercises.
  3. Learn to cook more healthy recipes.
  4. Write regularly.
  5. Meditate at least once a week regularly.
  6. Get surgery on my gums and schedule a routine annual physical with a doctor - I've been dragging my feet on both of these for a few years now.  Time to start taking this seriously.
  7. Read at least 40 books - Last year I read over thirty books, and I think I can do better this year.
  8. Visit Hawaii or the Pacific Northwest - The wife and I are planning on going to Hawaii with her family this summer.  If that falls through we'd like to visit Oregon and Washington instead.  Either way I'll be visiting some of the few remaining states I've never been to before.
  9. Pay off my student loan.
  10. Use my camera regularly - A nice, vague goal to take more photos.

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